New LSMTRON 3V, 3400F ultracapacitor cell09 Nov 2020

LS Ultracapacitor and AEP Components are pleased to announce the launch of its new 3V, 3400F ultracapacitor cell.  LS Mtron has been engaged in developing 3V series large cells for 10 years. The new cell symbolizes another milestone in their quest for the best customer solutions.

More energy, more powerfull

This new Ultracapacitor cell has 40% higher energy compared to the standard 300F 2.7V cell and represents the highest energy density in the industry.

The new 3V 3400F is an ideal solution for customers who want to take full advantage of ultracapacitor’s almost limitless charge cycles and reliability in all weathers conditions while concerned about its energy density.

Ultracapacitors are the technology of choice for high energy and high power applications because of their long operating lifetime, low maintenance requirements and superior cold weather performance; when compared to batteries.

Features of the 3V, 3400F ultracapacitor cells

  • 40% higher energy compared to the standard 2.7V ultracapacitor cell
  • Highest density in the industry
  • Reliable in all weather conditions
  • Up to 1,000,000 duty cycles or 10-year projected cycle life
  • 3V, 3400F
  • 25 Wh of stored energy


  • Wind Power
  • Hybrid Systems
  • Industrial automation
  • Power backup
  • Stabilization
  • Many more

Next-generation Ultracapacitors

With the introduction of these next-generation ultracapacitors, users have the ability to increase energy and power in the same form factor as the 2.7-volt product line and can significantly cost-optimize their system designs by using fewer ultracapacitor cells or modules. Alternatively, users can upgrade to a 3.0V solution to extend the expected life of their products.

If you are interested or you want to know more about this new ultracapacitor cell, please visit our LS Mtron ultracapacitor cells of contact us directly.