Mold Care

Moldcare RI Ⅱ is a customized patient immobilizing brace designed with state of the art modeling techniques for optimum speed and accuracy.

What is Moldcare?

The maintenance of the patient’s ideal posture can be significantly improved during radiotherapy.

  1. Individually customized positioning of patient’s posture during radiotherapy can be achieved with maximum accuracy and the failure in the adjustment of the irradiation field can be prevented.
  2. Moldcare RI Ⅱ is made of low specific gravity base material and can be used in dose distribution measurements through CT simulation and therapeutic procedures.
  3. By carefully adjusting the temperature and quantity of water applied Moldcare RI Ⅱ can be modeled according to each patient’s condition.

Moldcare RI II is effective in supporting patients with contracture, which is an ailment characterized by the inability to maintain one’s posture.

Moldcare RI II is a patient immobilization cushion widely known in the world.

Moldcare RI II is manufactured in Japan and exported to more than 55 countries through Alcare partners in various countries.

  • Patient posture-adjusting material

    The superior base material enables accurate modeling of the patient’s posture.

  • Reduction of labor time

    This revolutionary new patient immobilizing device requires little time or space to set up.

  • Improvement of patient’s
    Quality Of Life

    Patients are provided with a comfortable and secure fit which reduces discomfort during treatment.

  • High permeability for radiation

    It can be used during treatment with a CT simulator as it has a high permeability to radiation.

  • Volume reduction of
    waste products

    After use to facilitate disposal, the size of the Moldcare RI Ⅱ can be reduced by use of an autoclave.

  • MR Safe

    Moldcare RI Ⅱ is MR Safe. Moldcare RI Ⅱ can be safely taken into any MRI environment.

    • * The data shown above are based on our measurements, and the time of preparation varies depending on the conditions (ambient temperature, water temperature, etc.).
    • * The above graph refers to the time for preparation of Model HN using water spraying. Preparation of Model BR takes 16 to 22 minutes for water spraying to mold setting after release of the patient and the device has to be left at rest for approximately 20 minutes until it can be applied for radiography.
    Product Name Type Product Code No. Specification Contents Per Pack
    Moldcare RI II-HN 0.5 93066 20cm x 15cm 1 pce
    1 93741 20cm × 25cm 1 pce
    2 93742 20cm × 45cm 1 pce
    E 94512 Upper Base: 7cm
    Lower Base: 20cm
    Height: 34cm
    1 pce
    C 95942 Upper Base: 12cm
    Lower Base: 20cm
    Height: 35cm
    1 pce
    TR 94232 Trapezoid shape
    Upper Base: 5cm
    Lower Base: 58cm
    Height: 65cm
    1 pce
    UT 94521 Upper Base: 20cm
    Lower Base: 58cm
    Height: 47cm
    1 pce
    S 95941 Upper Base: 30cm
    Lower Base: 58cm
    Height: 55cm
    1 pce
    Moldcare RI II-BR 1 93821 40cm × 60cm 1 pce
    3 93822 60cm × 60cm 1 pce