Baseplates and Overlays
Klarity offers a variety of carbon fiber and acrylic baseplates and overlays for accurate positioning and increased patient comfort. Klarity baseplates and overlays are compatible with standard masks and head support systems. Please click below for specific product information and mask compatibility.
Optek™ Overlay
The Klarity Optek™ Overlay Board provides the highest degree of stability for the head, neck, and shoulders.
The Klarity Breastboard comes as a complete system and includes two arms cups, two wrist cups, two hand posts, a removable head cup, adjustable bottom-stopper, and a KneeFix foam leg cushion.
Channel Board
The Klarity Channel Board features secure arm support for upper body treatment and diagnostic procedures.
Prone Pelvis/Belly System
The Klarity Prone Pelvis/Belly System is a complete prone treatment system for increased patient comfort.
PelvicFix™ Baseplate
The Klarity PelvicFix™ Baseplate is a supine pelvic belly board that can be used with large, single thermoplastic sheets for immobilization of the entire abdominal and pelvic region.